Tree Surgery in Bellingham
Owners Discretion, if a botanical behemoth is blocking light to your home or garden, become unsafe, or simply an eye sore than “I am Lumberjack” can certainly offer professional advice and a service to cater to your requirements.
Tree Removal / Dismantle in Bellingham
A service in which the tree would be completely taken down and removed in a safe manner, the project would usually be a dead or dying tree.
Tree Pruning in Bellingham
Removing branches that would be obstructing walk ways or branches that would be growing towards property, also pruning helps to give the tree a more aesthetically pleasing look by removing small amounts to balance the tree and promote healthy growth.
Stump Removal in Bellingham
After Felling the tree you will be left with a stump which can sometimes be an eye sore, by removing the stump you can begin to grow over the area in which it was removed.
Pollarding in Bellingham
A drastic form of tree surgery but often required with trees in suburban areas or trees near property, by removing a substantial amount of the trees crown and providing a maintenance plan you can limit the trees growth with out having to remove it.